
Terms & Condition

Welcome to our legal services that ensure your assets are protected, your personal information is private and confidential, and you can keep using the platform as long as it's yours. Our privacy policy clarifies exactly how data protection happens on this website, by revealing what type of information we collect, why we collect it, who uses it, and how we use it for business purposes.

How do I sign up?

Before signing up you will need to complete a short form at login. Once you're logged in, click "Create account" or select the option "create an email address" to receive notifications about new features. To be eligible for free upgrades, renewals, and other promotions, you'll have to provide us with your contact details at registration. Signing up takes only a few seconds! Once you've completed all the requested information, simply save the password and register your email address, which is then sent to me as part of our verification process. You've now registered and started using my online security and privacy service. If you wish to continue using our service after registering, follow these simple steps:

Sign up again - click "I agree to the Terms of Service" to validate your choice. Enter your existing login information. Click on the link to confirm the selected option and complete your selection (optional). Select one of three options for payment processing. All payments will go through PayPal. Your payment will become active instantly. After you agree, you'll see a confirmation request message on my website that will inform you that you're done with your transaction. In case you want to cancel your subscription, click on the cancel button below. That's it! We don't require any credit card numbers, postal addresses, or other sensitive personal information to facilitate transactions so we're happy to assist you with anything required. Please note: once you've signed up, you can withdraw money from your account without any fees and restrictions. You can also send your payment to any bank, credit union, e-commerce merchant, non-profit organization, or other third party.

If you're interested in learning more about payment processing methods and the best way for you to pay, please check out this article on "What Is Paypal?"

About Us

Our goal here is to protect and enhance your digital experience while providing professional solutions to your problems. With over 12 years as a company, we understand that keeping your financial and/or real-life privacy safe should always remain a top priority. At Oono, we take care of everything, including taking care of your money, and protecting your property when necessary. On our site, you can find links, videos and tutorials that explain how we handle customer’s funds, our policies, and the measures we take to maintain user safety. We believe in transparency and honesty, and so, whatever you’re looking to buy, you can trust that any product and process we offer will not violate your rights. We don’t just sell products, but we make sure they’re compliant with applicable laws and regulations.

Your data is stored securely & securely on servers, encrypted using AES 256-bit encryption. No one but government agencies with access to the Internet can view your data. Data is completely anonymous.

Learn More

You can read the full Privacy Policy here.
We are committed to providing you with the best service possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

For questions about Our services, please email: [Hello@pngcore.com] or visit their official page on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter